Tri-County Christian School
TCCS, established in 1994, is located right behind Crossroads and offers a private-Christian education to students in grades Kindergarten through 8th. The school uses A Beka Book curriculum. In addition to grades K-8, there is also a daycare and preschool for children who are potty trained, ages two to five.
Two- and 3-year-olds attend PeeWee class on Tuesdays and Thursdays to learn about numbers, letters, shapes and colors. Three- and 4- year-olds attend Middler class on Monday, Wed., and Friday to learn about letter recognition and sounds, shapes, colors and numbers. The Pre-Kindergarten classes are held daily for 4- and 5-year-olds. Crossroads works in close proximity with TCCS as a mission outreach.
SCCA is our local church camp. The mission of SCCA is to reach children and students with the love of Jesus. SCCA works to accomplish this through relevant and exciting summer camps, retreats and conferences throughout the year. The camp is supported and run by 21 local christian churches.
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Shiloh Children’s Ranch
Every 10 seconds a child is abused. More children die from abuse in America than accidental falls, drowning, choking on food, fires in the home, or suffocation. In America’s Heartland, there’s a safe haven for abused and neglected children. This safe haven is called Shiloh Christian Children’s Ranch, where Shiloh believes that helping children puts you close to the heart of God. Shiloh has two physical locations in Clarence and Kahoka MO.
The vision of Ozark Christian College is to glorify God by evangelizing the lost and edifying Christians worldwide. The mission of Ozark Christian College is to train men and women for Christian service as a degree-granting institution of biblical higher education.
Central Christian College of the Bible
CCCB exists to educate biblical servants for a faithful life of kingdom ministry. Central offers residential, extension, graduate, online, and continuing education. Biblical servants are able to know, interpret, live out, and teach God’s Word. A faithful life pursues doctrinal convictions, spiritual discipleship, and personal relationships. Kingdom ministry results from being equipped to function in the body of Christ within a local church, in the marketplace, or on the mission field.
Sonlight Ministries
Exists to reach and train Haitian people to reach and train others for the kingdom of God by effectively communicating the gospel through lifestyle and words.
Sonlight consists of a School( Pre-K-12th grade) and a Church. Sonlight Academy has over 330 students enrolled, and Sonlight Church has more than 400 members and regular attenders.
Hla Ministries
Crossroads serves as the “living link” for James Hla and his ministries in Thailand. James and his family have planted 12 churches in and around Thailand. He has seen over 1000 people give their lives to Jesus. The Mission of his ministry is to plant churches, train up leaders for those churches and then mentor them through the discipling process.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Outreach International
Outreach International is a Missionary Motivation Ministry designed to recruit and serve missionary volunteers for work overseas including, but not limited to, areas that are unreached with the Gospel of Christ or areas that are particularly difficult to enter.
Joy & Hector Rodriguez
God has moved Héctor and Joy to serve in the city of Pachuca, Mexico. Knowing that communication leads to community and connection, we plan to establish an English Institute in the city of Pachuca. The institute will serve as a connecting point to Christian community and provide opportunity to share the Gospel through relationships developed with students.
The Tuttles
The Tuttles are serving as missionaries with the Kontkat Mission. They are currently serving in Ireland reaching the lost people there. Nick had this to say about Ireland “Ireland is an incredibly friendly place on the surface however, under that veneer is a country that struggles with extremely high levels of stress, anxiety, and suicide. I firmly believe that this dark fruit has grown in Ireland in such horrible ways as a direct result of their loss of the moral compass that Jesus provides. They lack the hope, joy, and peace that comes from a real and meaningful relationship with Jesus. Because of this Ireland is full of so many wonderful people who don’t know Jesus and need him desperately.”