After months of praying and searching, God has answered in big and unexpected ways!

To provide transparent communication and keep us unified and working together as a church, we have listed the details of purchasing a building in Brookfield for our second campus and the process below.

Building Purchase FAQ’s

  • The address of the building is 400 W Lockling Ave in Brookfield. This was formally a grocery store but now is the home of Locust Creek Event Center. The building also has leased space to Dollar Tree and China Garden. The building sits right at the crossroads of 36 and Hwy 11 and is visible from highway 36.

  • The purchase price of the entire building and approximately 3 acres of land it sits on is 1.4 million dollars. This is much less than the property's appraised value. However, the current owners, the Prenger family, are willing to donate the remaining portion of thatrossroads’ vision to the area. The estimated donated difference between the sale price and the appraised value appraised value is approximately $800,000+/-.

  • We will take out a loan to purchase the building and property. Through the generosity of Crossroads and the lease income we will work to pay off the loan quickly to eliminate the debt. Again, this payment will not begin until we close on the purchase in the fall of 2025.

  • YES! Located inside the event center there is a stage, bathrooms, large kitchen, meeting room and offices. Not only will the space be big enough to launch, it will give us space to grow into! The event center and storage around it will give us 21,000 sq ft of useable space. Right now a majority of the space is primarily one big room (11,000 sq ft) and storage. Within that space we will enclose a lobby area and create a kids ministry area.

    While we will no longer be an event center, we do plan to use our space as a resource for the community  for meetings and events, just like we do in Macon.

  • Yes, we will have to do work to make the space ours. We want to make the space welcoming and inviting for families when it becomes Crossroads. The cost of these improvements and renovations are much cheaper because of the current condition and use of the building. We will not know these exact costs until we have the building under contract and can make proper plans.

  • We will affirm the elders decision to buy the building which will allow us to enter into a purchase contract. This will discontinue reservations past the closing date in the event center. The event center is currently booked for different types of events through October and will continue to rent and operate until the point of closing. In order to love the community and families in Brookfield and Linn County, we believe it is best to honor those reservations under the current ownership. Crossroads will buy the building officially upon the completion of those reservations. While the reservations finish out we will be able to plan and organize all remodel costs and plans. Once the purchase is complete, we will begin remodeling immediately.

  • The unique detail of this purchase is the lease will cover a majority of the mortgage payment. The total lease income will be be $9025 a month from Dollar Tree and China Garden.  Currently a 20 yr mortgage on $1.4 million with an interest rate of 6.65% creates a monthly payment of $10,562.

  • According to the By-laws of Crossroads, as a church we must vote for the approval of any property acquisition. We also do this because we want to work together to carry out the mission of Jesus and this can be a unifying step together. On Sunday January 26th, during all three of our Sunday services, we will pass out paper ballots to vote yes or no on purchasing the building and property in Brookfield

  • After announcing the step to launch a second campus, Matt fielded a phone call from the Prenger family stating they had a building in Brookfield. They weren’t necessarily looking to sell it, but wanted to let us know if it would be something we would be interested in to make the campus possible, they would be willing to have a conversation about it. We began to pray as a leadership that if this was not something that God wanted, that He would close this opportunity. Instead of closing doors, every conversation we had God opened them wider. The exact week that we announced that we were debt free, this building became a reality. WOW GOD! We met several times with the Prenger family to talk through details and history of the building. We travelled to Brookfield to walk through the building as a leadership and asked many questions. We have had a trusted contractor walk through the building to look for any major issues. We have had a lawyer who works with non-profit property acquisitions review the business leases. We have talked with other multi-site church leaders about the location and they are all amazed that it opened up and a blown away it comes with income.

  • Ryan Robuck stated “From the location, to the facility, to the pricing and existing leases, God’s fingerprints are all over this. I am convinced this does not align like it does without His hand guiding the process.”

    Kyle Cullifer said “I don't know if I ever said it out loud, but the Prenger building was the first building I thought of when we started looking. Not from a standpoint of "I wonder if they'd sell?", but from a "man I wish that building was still available!".  From the time I found out the Prenger family reached out to Matt about selling to us I've felt like we were supposed to be there. It's almost been too good to believe but we've prayed so much for doors to close and they just stay open.”

    Jim Schaefer said “Through this process I have prayed for God’s guidance and blessing on the project. I’ve prayed that if it is His will that the doors be opened wide and if not the doors be shut to us taking the next step. The opportunity to purchase this property in Brookfield has been an open door through the entire process.”

  • As soon as we affirm this decision and enter into a purchase contract we will begin the search for a campus pastor to serve in Brookfield. We will also begin plans for design and remodel plans. This will include surveys and plan drawings of the current facility so we can begin to prepare for the changes. This will allow us to get an exact dollar amount for design and remodel costs.

  • As we plan and prepare for the future we will have expenses for building layout and drawings, inspections, lawyer fees as well as a non-refundable down payment of $65,000. When we hire a campus pastor we will have moving expenses and their salary.

    Yes, if your family is in a place or feels led to begin to sacrificially giving to this mission you can begin to do so. We have set up a separate fund that you can give to in-person or online. Any gift in person will need to have “Brookfield” on the memo line or labeled on an envelope. If you are giving online, make sure you choose the “Brookfield fund” when giving.

2nd Campus Announcement

July 2024

Brookfield FAQ’s

  • Crossroads is here because a group of people 50 years ago recognized a need for a christian church and sacrificed to make it happen. We are able to worship each week together because of their courage and faith. We believe that God desires for us to use our resources and connections to reach more people with the grace of Jesus. As Crossroads has continued to grow, we have seen many people visiting from further away. As followers of Jesus, we are each called to reach our “ONE,” making new disciples. Multiplying locations is one of the best ways for the church to make an impact in new places. God continues to open up more doors to move his mission forward in this way. 

  • The leadership at Crossroads has been burdened for some time with the deep need for Jesus in Linn Co. We have recognized that once you pass Callao, there is no healthy non-denominational christian church like Crossroads on Highway 36 until St. Joseph. More people visit Crossroads from Linn Co than any other direction around us. Over the past year more than 140 people have checked in/attended Crossroads from west of New Cambria. One of the things we continue to hear from these families is a desire to find a healthy church with contemporary worship and relevant kids ministry like we have here. As we have prayed and sought the wisdom of others, God continues to open our eyes and hearts to this area. We believe that God desires for Crossroads to be more than a bigger church in our area. He has equipped us to be a church that takes bold steps to connect anyone and everyone to Jesus. Brookfield is the best location based on its distance from Macon and the makeup of Linn Co.

  • We don’t know the exact timeline. We are trying to move forward in faith but also do so wisely. Our first step was to meet with our leaders and spouses. Our next step was to meet with some of the families regularly coming from Linn Co. We are now bringing it to the congregation to join us in prayer about God leading us in this direction.

  • The ultimate measure of success is that lives are being changed. Are people connecting to Jesus? Are we actively loving the community in Brookfield? Are marriages being rescued? Are addictions being broken? Are kids excited about Jesus? Are families being restored? Are people excited to worship? Is the lobby full of laughter and conversation? Are we making disciples of Jesus? Any answer of yes to these questions means that we are being successful. At this time, an exact timeline or number that gauges success has not been determined. 

  • Our plan is that it will remain a part of who we are. It will just be another arm of Crossroads in the Brookfield community. We will be one church with multiple locations. We believe that unity creates the best picture of the church.

  • Initially, we will fund the expansion of a new campus. The mission is important enough to sacrifice to make this happen. As of now, we only have $28,630.37 of debt on our current building and are on pace to pay it off this fall.

    That means we have paid off $937,036.53 in 8 years!

    When this is paid off, it will open up some finances in our yearly budget but will also require a commitment from all of us to move forward. We hope that each family of Crossroads will consider joining us as we make this investment together. We pray that in future years, it will become self-sustaining. Just like we support other missions, we will give generously so people in Brookfield can experience the grace of Jesus in real and relevant ways. 

  • No, there will not be any cuts made to the ministry or staff in Macon.

  • Where we will meet is yet to be determined. We cannot take any steps forward regarding property or space without support from the congregation. We are diligently praying that God will open up the right space at the right time.

  • We are not ruling anything out. However, we do see the positive impact that can be made by buying and restoring a building in a small town. This investment can be an excellent way to love the community right out of the gate.

  • The staff in Brookfield will be new additional staff that will be hired for that location. They will live in Brookfield and be a part of that community. No current Macon staff will go to Brookfield. The staff we plan to hire for that location will work with our current staff in Macon for at least six months to learn who we are, how we operate, and how we live out our vision. They must learn us before they can replicate us. Volunteer leaders may fill some roles for a time.

  • To start a new campus, we will ask families in Macon to commit to going to Brookfield for a time to be part of the launch team. We know this will be a sacrifice, but we believe that Jesus’ mission matters this much. This commitment will be voluntary for families to serve on this team. 

  • Due to our desire to be one church with multiple locations, we will have one Eldership over both locations. The Elders in Macon will serve as the Elders of Brookfield as well. The healthy unity that has been developed in our Eldership at Crossroads is a gift. We don’t want to destroy this by forcing people into positions they are not ready for or willing to serve. 

    Regarding the staff, the Campus Minister in Brookfield will report to the Lead Minister in Macon. The additional staff in Brookfield will report to the campus minister in Brookfield. 

  • A Sunday morning in Brookfield will look very much like Macon. We will have a welcome team to greet everyone, a fun conversational lobby, and live exciting worship. How the sermon will be presented will be different. It will be a video on a large screen of Matt or whoever is preaching in Macon. After the message, the Campus Minister will get up and lead into communion in a personal way that connects what was preached to the specific context of the people there. Video teaching will help accomplish two things: 1. It will help maintain unity between campuses as we will still all be Crossroads in different locations. 2. Without the responsibility of preaching each week, this will also free up the Campus Minister to spend more time building relationships with people in the community.

  • The children's ministry will look very much like it does here. We have already learned that a healthy environment for kids to learn about Jesus in a way that is exciting to them is crucial. From many that we have talked to, there is a need in Brookfield for this. Our kids' ministry will have welcoming faces to check kids in, teaching them that they can connect too, and fun activities for them to invite friends to. 

    Our student Ministry, while it may take some time to fully develop, is a space where students can feel safe to be themselves and ask challenging faith questions. We are here to walk alongside them as they explore and discover Jesus. As we launch, we are committed to building strong relationships with the schools, demonstrating our love and support for the families in our community.

  • Our vision is this will stay up all week long. We will be in the community as a constant place for people to learn to follow Jesus and walk through the brokenness of life.

  • While we will be one church in two locations, combining will be difficult. Honestly, it is a challenge right now in Macon to combine all three services. Many things that work in Macon won’t necessarily work in Brookfield, and what works in Brookfield might not work here. There will always be invites to different programs or opportunities for people to travel in either direction. 

    Some resources, trips, or opportunities will be shared. Student trips during the summer, church camp, VBS resources and volunteers, mission trips, and nights of worship can be great opportunities to work together.

  • Some of this is yet to be determined, but we will set up meetings with local schools and community leaders to build bridges and be an asset to the Brookfield community. We have had a Loving Our Community team in Brookfield for the last two years, but this will become a bigger opportunity in the future. We will encourage those working now to find new ways to help meet unmet needs in the community.

  • For more than five years the Elders and staff at Crossroads have been praying about this possibility. We have had special meetings to wrestle through the hard questions of what this might look like. We have had intentional times of prayer together. Two years ago in our operating budget, we put a small amount of seed money to begin to explore this more seriously. This year in our operating budget, we budgeted a full-time staff salary knowing a hire would not me made, but to prepare to work towards that goal. We have strategically reached out to people in Linn Co. to get their thoughts on this potential. We have also shared a meal with some families who drive here every Sunday to hear their thoughts and questions.

  • Our next step is to pray together as a church. Listed below are some of the areas in which we can focus our prayers. While there are many things we do not know, one thing we know for sure is that if God is not on our side, it’s not a place we want to be. We want to follow his lead in obedience to live out his mission together!