Current Series: Family Matters



Discussion Questions:

What’s the first app you open in the morning?

How much time do you think you spend on screens daily?

Have the person with the most Facebook friends read Romans 12:1-2.

How has technology impacted your spiritual life (positively or negatively)?

When you reflect on your daily screen time, do you think it draws you closer to God or distracts you from him? How so?

What are some practical ways we can use technology to deepen our faith rather than hinder it?

Have the person who is most likely to be distracted by their phone during life group Read Philippians 4:8.

Can you think of a time when screen use got in the way of a meaningful conversation or time with loved ones?

What are some ways technology has helped you stay connected with friends or family?

What boundaries (if any) have you set for screen time during meals, family time or social gatherings?

Have the person who has sent the most texts today Read Ephesians 5:15-16.

What does it mean to “be wise” in how we use our time?

Have you ever regretted something you posted online? What did you learn from that experience?

What do you think it means to be a “digital Christian”? How do we represent Jesus well in digital spaces?

What kind of example is our screen time setting for those around us? How can we improve this?

What’s one digital habit you would like to change in your daily life?